Scopes is the access an app has to the Fortnox API.
All Access-Tokens have at least one scope that gives access to the endpoints for that token.
All scopes gives both read and write access to an endpoint and it is not possible to only have read access through the API.
An app can request one or more scopes, this information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the connection will be limited to the scopes granted.
It is possible to change scopes for an app after it has been created but please note that you need to obtain a new Authorization-Code to access the new scopes.
The connections that do not request a new Authorization-Code will not be affected by this change.
Please note that the company in Fortnox needs to have the license for the resource for you to be able to access it through the API. This table show what scope you will need for each resource.
Resource | Scope Name | Scope Enumeration |
Absence transactions | Salary | salary |
Account Charts | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Accounts | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Archive | Archive | archive |
Article File Connections | File Connection | connectfile |
Article URL Connections | Article | article |
Articles | Article | article |
Attendance transactions | Salary | salary |
Company Information | Company Information | companyinformation |
Company Settings | Settings | settings |
Contract Accruals | Invoice | invoice |
Contract Templates | Invoice | invoice |
Contracts | Invoice | invoice |
Cost Centers | Cost Center | costcenter |
Currencies | Currency | currency |
Customers | Customer | customer |
Employees | Salary | salary |
Expenses | Salary | salary |
Financial Years | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Inbox | Inbox | inbox |
Invoice Accruals | Invoice | invoice |
Invoice Payments | Payments | payment |
Invoices | Invoice | invoice |
Labels | Settings | settings |
Mode Of Payments | Settings | settings |
Nox Finans Invoice | Noxfinance Invoice | noxfinansinvoice |
Offers | Offer | offer |
Orders | Order | order |
PredefinedAccounts | Settings | settings |
Price Lists | Price | price |
Prices | Price | price |
Print Templates | ||
Projects | Project | project |
Profile | Profile | profile |
Salary transactions | Salary | salary |
Schedule times | Salary | salary |
SIE | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Supplier Invoice Accruals | Supplier Invoice | supplierinvoice |
Supplier Invoice External URL Connections | Supplier Invoice | supplierinvoice |
Supplier Invoice File Connections | File Connection | connectfile |
Supplier Invoice Payments | Payments | payment |
Supplier Invoices | Supplier Invoice | supplierinvoice |
Suppliers | Supplier | supplier |
Tax Reductions | Invoice | invoice |
Terms Of Deliveries | Settings | settings |
Terms Of Payments | Settings | settings |
Time Reporting | Time Reporting | timereporting |
Units | Settings | settings |
Vacation Debt Basis | Salary | salary |
Voucher External URL Connections | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Voucher File Connections | File Connection | connectfile |
Voucher Series | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Vouchers | Bookkeeping | bookkeeping |
Way Of Deliveries | Settings | settings |
Scope | Required Licence in Fortnox: |
Archive | Any |
Article | Order or Kundfaktura |
Assets | Anläggningsregister |
Bookkeeping | Bokföring or Kundfaktura |
Company Information | Any |
Company Logo | Any |
Cost Center | Bokföring or Order or Kundfaktura |
Currency | Bokföring or Order or Kundfaktura |
Customer | Kundfaktura or Order |
Delete Voucher | Bokföring |
File Connection | Bokföring or Anläggning or Arkivplats |
Fortnox Finance Invoice | Kundfaktura |
Inbox | Any |
Invoice | Order or Kundfaktura |
Offer | Order |
Order | Order |
Payment | Bokföring or Order or Kundfaktura |
Price | Order or Kundfaktura |
Order or Kundfaktura | |
Profile | Any |
Project | Bokföring or Order or Kundfaktura |
Salary | Lön |
Settings | Any |
Supplier | Bokföring |
Supplier Invoice | Bokföring |
Time Reporting | Tidredovisning |
Warehouse Custom document | Lager or Lager Plus |
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