FAQ for tags
A tag reflects a property of an integration.
There are two types of tags:
Functions, for example, Synkroniserar fakturor, Språkstöd and B2B.
Brands, for example, Swish, Paypal, and Google Sheets.
Example of aliases
Anläggningsregister is a function tag with Anskaffningsvärde and Avskrivning as aliases.
Ahlsell is a brand tag with El, VVS och Bygg as aliases.
Example of how search works
If the user searches for Anläggningsregister, all integrations with the function tag Anläggningsregister are displayed.
If the user searches for Anskaffningsvärde, all integrations with the function tag Anläggningsregister are displayed.
If the user searches for Avskrivning, all integrations with the function tag Anläggningsregister are displayed.
Skatteverket (brand tag)
Skattekonto (function tag) with synonyms Skatteverket and Skatt.
Example of how search works
If the user searches for Skatteverket, all integrations with the brand tag Skatteverket as well as integrations with the function tag Skattekonto that has the synonym Skatteverket are displayed.
If the user searches for Skattekonto, all integrations with the function tag Skattekonto are displayed. Integrations with the brand tag Skatteverket are not displayed when searching for Skattekonto.
No, only published integrations need tags.
The integrator tags their integration. In the Developer Portal, under the Integration tab, there is a function for selecting tags.
The control of tags only occurs during the publication of a new integration, which undergoes a review by the API Support. Already published integrations tagged by the integrator are not reviewed.
An integration can have a maximum of 12 tags. The maximum number can then be a mix of different tag types.
If you are missing a tag and want to make a request, please
Tags are used on the Integrations page in the search results view and on the category pages.
See our comprehensive documentation regarding the Fortnox API.
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