Warehouse Information
Fornox Lager is a Warehouse application, which can be added as a part of the Fortnox application suite. Before it can be used it must be activated by a user that is a System administrator, this action can not be done via API. As a part of the activation process current stock balances are transferred from the item register to the Warehouse application, which henceforth will keep track of it. Fortnox Lager uses FIFO (First In First Out) principle.
Fortnox Lager has a growing number of features. For an updated list, visit www.fortnox.se/program/fortnox-lager
A document is set to “WarehouseReady” when it’s content that relates to Warehouse is final. This action locks the document, and it’s also an indicator that the stock changes can be booked (which is done via an automatic job each night). For inbound deliveries, the WarehouseReady-state is also used to commit the deliveries to the warehouse, thus increasing stock balance and value.
When Fortnox Lager is used, all changes to stock balance is done via either outbound delivery (e.g. Customer Order, Customer invoice) which reduces quantity in stock, or inbound delivery (e.g. Supplier invoice, Manual inbound) which increases quantity in stock. When a document is set to “WarehouseReady”, all information affecting Warehouse islocked on the document. An automatic bookkeeping job is run every night and will book all changes made by such documents. An inbound delivery is defined with (at least) item, quantity, and a cost/p in SEK. The quantity will be available in stock when the document is set to WarehouseReady. At thesame time the value will be added to the stock value when the inbound document is set to WarehouseReady. An outbound delivery will affect the stock balance as soon as it’s saved. It can have one of three possible states:
Registered (does not allocate any items).
Reservation (only affecting available stock).
Delivery (affecting quantity in stock and stock value).
Reservation/Delivery of items is always done according to FIFO-principle. When set to WarehouseReady the document will be locked in the same way as an inbounddelivery, also being subject to automatic bookkeeping.
Stock point and locations are optional concepts to use in Fortnox Lager. A stock point represents a physical warehouse, e.g. in a specific city. A stock location is a place on a stockpoint, e.g. a specific shelf. An inbound delivery can be made without specifying stock point. It will then get the global default stock point as set in Fortnox Lager, or default Stock point and location (if set on the specific item).If you specify stock point you can also (optionally) specify a stock location on that stock point. The inbound delivery will then reside on that stock point (and location if used).When making an outbound delivery you can optionally specify a stock point. If you do, items will be allocated from that stock point only, applying FIFO on items available on that stockpoint. If stock point is not specified on an outbound delivery, items will be allocated from any stockpoint according to FIFO.
The feature to support “Custom documents” has been developed in order to allow integration solutions to make their own inbound- and outbound deliveries affecting warehouse, withoutusing any of the existing Fortnox documents, such as e.g. Customer invoice or Manual deliveries.This allows an integrating solution to have their own documents with unique names and identifiers, performing the same kind of transactions in Warehouse as with the standarddocuments. This results in flexibility for the integrating solution, as well as traceability of changes to stock balances and value.The same rules applies to these documents as to Fortnox documents; Inbounds will become available once marked WarehouseReady.Outbound will affect stock balance immediately (with reservations or deliveries). When marked WarehouseReady the documents will be locked, only allowing Void as possible action.
NOTE1: A custom document must be defined as an inbound OR outbound document.Typically separate document names are used when defining an inbound or outbounddocument (as in e.g. “Manual inbound delivery” and “Manual outbound delivery”.
NOTE2: Documents may be called almost anything. Only limitation is a number of namesthat Fortnox has reserved for internal use (you’ll get “400 Bad Request”, “validation.referencetypenotallowed”, if you use one of the reserved names).
An inbound document can contain a number of items with specified quantity and cost. Thetotal cost (value) will be added to the Warehouse once marked WarehouseReady, and automatically booked the following night.
NOTE: If you use a negative quantity on a row on an inbound document, it will result in anoutbound delivery for that row (e.g. as creating a credit-row on a Supplier invoice).
When the document is saved as a Reservation it must include a quantity to Warehouse. Warehouse will return a Reserved quantity, based on what could be allocated.Also when the document is saved as a Delivery the document shall include a quantity. In this case it can be set to any quantity. If using the parameter Forced delivery = True, therequested Quantity will always be delivered, even if it results in a negative stock balance. If Forced delivery = False it is only possible to deliver as many as are available to allocate atthe time. When marked with WarehouseReady the outbound deliveries will be automatically booked the following night.
NOTE: If you use a negative quantity on a row on an outbound document, it will result in an inbound delivery for that row (e.g. as creating a credit-row on a Customer invoice).
See our comprehensive documentation regarding the Fortnox API.
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