Varning för bluff-SMS! Läs mer här
Fortnox offers two pricing models for integrations. You can choose to sell your integration through Fortnox, or manage the sales by yourself.
Selling through Fortnox gives you great advantages such as:
Fortnox handles all invoicing for you
Fortnox handles all administration of your customers' accounts
Fortnox's successful brand helps you sell
Fortnox partner integrations get extra attention with the help of tagging Buy through Fortnox
When selling through Fortnox, a commission cost is charged. You’re very welcome to contact Fortnox’s partner manager for more information.
When you choose to sell through Fortnox
You can change the pricing model until the integration is reviewed and published. After that, the pricing model cannot be changed.
When you choose to manage the sales yourself
You can change the pricing model regardless of publication status and activations.
When changing the pricing model, proceed as follows:
If the integration is published, you start by unpublishing. Go to page Publish in Developer Portal and press Unpublish.
Go to page Price models in Developer Portal and select I want to sell through Fortnox.
Go to page Publish and click Request Publishing.
When you change the pricing model it might cause some inconvenience to your customers. Let’s make the transition as smooth as possible by informing your customers how the change will affect them.
Inform your customers in good time about the changes.
Instruct your customers on the steps they need to take to continue using your integration. The steps consist of buying the integration through Fortnox and activating the integration.
Keep in mind that any invoiced amounts should be credited.
Contact support for questions.
See our comprehensive documentation regarding the Fortnox API.
Approximately half a million customers are waiting for your integration at our Integrations page.