Finance Invoice
These endpoints are useful when transferring an invoice to Fortnox Finans factoring service. When Fortnox Finans has taken over the responsibility for collecting the invoice - the actual invoice, reminders, collections etc (depending on settings) are automatically sent to the customer on the selected media.
The auth you are using for these endpoints are the same as for the rest of the API. Click here to read more about to send a request.
Please note that you need to get a special sandbox instance of Fortnox to test Fortnox Finans services, if you are using a production sandbox, it will send out invoices and start the reminder process and charge you for the service.
Also note that older invoices (typically dated before 2020-04) might be handled in "Noxbox", a platform previously used for administering invoices sent using Fortnox Finans' services. If this platform has been used for an invoice,, some endpoints described below will not be available. In the “Retrieve a Fortnox Finans invoice” section it’s described how to determine if the old “Noxbox” platform was used.
A Fortnox user can let Fortnox Finans handle their customer ledger. Fortnox Finans currently offers two types of services
Depending on customer settings, two subtypes of the service are available:
Invoice service with automatic reminders: this means that Fortnox Finans is sending invoices to end-customers and handling the customer ledger with reminders and collection. This service is also referred to as “Service Full”
Invoice service without automatic reminders: this means that Fortnox Finans is sending invoices to end-customers and handling the customer ledger. No reminders or collections are sent. This service is also referred to as “Service Light”
Reminder service: this means that Fortnox Finans is sending reminders and collections on invoices already sent from Fortnox (without any Fortnox Finans services). The invoice is transferred to Fortnox Finans, and from now on reminders etc will automatically be sent to the customer. The invoice has to be unpaid, and the due date must be passed.
An invoice sent by Ledgerbase (without automatic reminders) could be transferred to Reminder service.
Scope of your application registered to Fortnox must contain “Invoice Noxfinans”.
Fortnox Finans services must have been activated in the client database.
Invoice must have been created in Fortnox (Manually or by API).
Invoice must have an open balance >0.
Invoice date is not allowed to be older than two years.
Currency of Invoice must be in SEK.
Invoice contains at least name, address, zip and city.
Invoice must contain at least one invoice record.
Interest invoices are not permitted to be sent to Fortnox Finans.
Credit invoices
Credit Invoice in Fortnox must have a connection to a debit invoice.
Debit invoice must have a open balance >= credit invoice amount.
Retrieves the status and balance of an invoice sent to Fortnox Finans. You need to supply the invoice number in Fortox to retrieve the invoice.
Note that invoices sent with the old “Noxbox” platform will not have the “ServiceName” property in the response. This new property is added to the response if the invoice is sent with the new finance service.
Response property description:
LEDGERBASE: if the invoice is sent by using the old “Noxbox” platform, or the new finance service with the subtypes “Service Full” or “Service Light”. These services are explained above in the “Fortnox Finans services” section
REMINDER: If the invoice is sent by the new finance service, with the service Reminder Service
ServiceName (only provided for new finance service invoices):
SERVICE_FULL: Ledgerbase service with automatic reminders is used.
SERVICE_LIGHT: Ledgerbase service without automatic reminders is used.
REMINDER_SERVICE: Reminder service is used
URL (GET):{invoiceNumber}
When sending an invoice with Fortnox Finans you will get the invoice status returned if everything succeeded, if there were any problems, an error will be returned.
Please note that it can take 1 min to several hours before you will get back status, OCR number and link to PDF document, meanwhile the invoice will have status UNKNOWN or NOT_AUTHORIZED.
Nox Finans is today only accepting invoices in SEK.
URL (POST):{invoiceNumber}
Request body
"NoxFinansInvoice": {
"InvoiceNumber": 7201, // an integer with the invoice number.
"SendMethod": "METHOD" // a string containing how to send invoice; 'EMAIL', 'LETTER', 'EINVOICE' or 'NONE'
"Service": "SERVICE" // a string containing which service to use; 'LEDGERBASE' or 'REMINDER'
Different actions may be applied to the invoices already sent with Fortnox Finans.
When applying an action to an invoice, you will get the invoice status returned if everything succeeded. If any problem occurs, an error will be returned instead.
Removes the invoice from Fortnox Finans process. The invoice can still be handled manually, but no further automatic process will be applied
URL (PUT):{invoiceNumber/stop
Pauses an invoice for up to 60 days. Pause means that Fortnox Finans reminder process will stop for the invoice. All invoices which have the status OPEN can be paused.
URL (PUT):{invoiceNumber}/pause
Request body
"NoxFinansInvoice": {
"PausedUntilDate": "2022-02-01"
Unpauses a paused invoice. If the invoice is manually paused, then this action will remove the pause status immediately. Invoices which are paused by the system cannot be unpaused.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old NoxBox platform.
URL (PUT):{invoiceNumber}/unpause
If fees have been added to an invoice, e.g. reminder fees, the client can choose to pay those fees instead of letting the customer pay.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old NoxBox platform
URL (PUT):{invoiceNumber}/take-fees
If a customer has paid some or all of the capital on an invoice directly to the client, this can be reported for bookkeeping purposes and reported to Fortnox Finans to actually deduct the paid amount from the invoice.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old NoxBox platform.
URL (PUT):{invoiceNumber}/report-payment
Request body
"NoxFinansInvoice": {
"ClientTakesFees": true, // a boolean indicating if the client should take the customer fees or not.
"BookkeepPaymentInFortnox": true, // a boolean indicating if the payment should be bookkept in Fortnox or not. Usually the payment should be bookkept.
"ReportToFinance": true, // a boolean indicating if the payment should be reported to Fortnox Finans or not. Usually the payment should be reported.
"PaymentAmount": 20.54, // a decimal field with the amount to report.
"PaymentMethodCode": “BG”, // a string with the method code (e.g. BG, PG or other), only if BookkeepPaymentInFortnox is set to true.
"PaymentMethodAccount": 1920 // an integer with the account number to bookkeep the payment on (e.g. 1920 or other), only if BookkeepPaymentInFortnox is set to true.
Note that ServiceName will only be provided for invoices sent with the new finance service.
"NoxFinansInvoice": {
"@url": "",
"BalanceIncludeFees": 98.18,
"BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 98.18,
"CurrentCapitalBalance": 38,
"CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": ,
"InvoiceDocumentURL": "",
"InvoiceNumber": "7201",
"NextEvent": COLLECTION,
"NextEventDate": 2023-01-11,
"OCRNumber": 5395916825255
"Service": "REMINDER",
"ServiceName": "REMINDER_SERVICE",
Name | Data type | Description |
BalanceIncludeFees | Float | Balance fees in currency in SEK |
BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency | Float | Balance fees in currency (today is only SEK available) |
BookkeepPaymentInFortnox | Boolean | If the payment should be bookkept in Fortnox or not |
ClientTakesFees | Boolean | If the client should pay the fees on the invoice instead of the customer |
CurrentCapitalBalance | Float | Capital amount balance in SEK |
CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency | Float | Capital amount balance in currency (today is only SEK available) |
InvoiceDocumentURL | String | URL to PDF document for invoice |
InvoiceNumber | Integer | Invoice number in Fortnox |
NextEventDate | Date | The date when the next automatic event will take place |
OCRNumber | String | OCR number generated by Fortnox Finans |
PausedUntilDate | Date | The invoice will be paused to this date. Reminders etc will be considered from the next day. Date must be in the future, and if set on an already paused invoice - the date must be after the old date. Maximum 60 days of pause is allowed |
PaymentAmount | Float | The payment amount to report |
PaymentMethodAccount | Integer | The account to bookkeep the payment on |
PaymentMethodCode | String | A payment method code configured on the client, could be “BG” for “Bankgiro” or other methods |
ReportToFinance | Boolean | If the payment should be reported to Fortnox Finans or not |
Service | String | LEDGERBASE or REMINDER |
ServiceName | String | (only if new finance service was used) SERVICE_FULL or SERVICE_LIGHT or REMINDER_SERVICE |
SendMethod | String | EMAIL = Email NONE = Fortnox Finans do not distribute invoice (can not be selected on Reminder service) LETTER = Send by letter |
Status | String | UNKNOWN = Not yet confirmed by Fortnox Finans NOT_AUTHORIZED = Factoring invoice waiting approval OPEN = Open PAUSED = Invoice pause CLOSED = Invoice is closed |
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