Developer Portal
In the developer portal, you have the possibility to create your own integrations that customers can add to their companies in Fortnox. This requires you to have a developer license in Fortnox and to have a user set up with the correct permissions.
The developer license is added to your account by Fortnox.
If you are already registered as a developer you must be migrated to the new system towards a live company in Fortnox. If you do not have a live company in Fortnox before, this happens automatically when we create a company for you.
All new registrations get this feature.
To reach the portal, please select Menu – Developer Portal.
Customers can use your integration to connect your system to Fortnox.
The integration has a Client-Id and a Client-Secret that is used in the connection process.
To create an integration, click on “Create new integration”.
When you create your Integration, you must enter a name and select the scopes that the integration should have access to.
Once the integration is created, you can set information such as contact, routes, price for your connection and link customers to your own website.
You can add a logo, icon, cover images and information about your Integration so that customers can easily get an idea of what the Integration offers.
You add an image by clicking on the field or dragging the image there.
Then place the selection as desired and press Ok.
To delete an uploaded image, there is a cross in the image field when you hold the mouse over it.
If you choose Buy via Website, we will send the customer to your website from Fortnox’s marketplace.
If you want Fortnox to handle invoicing of the integration, you can choose the option Buy via Fortnox. The customer can then buy the integration directly in the Fortnox marketplace and Fortnox handles the invoicing. Information about sales and sales data can be found under the Sales tab in the developer portal.
If you choose Buy via Fortnox, the price is automatically set for monthly payment per user.
With the option Buy via Website, you can specify price as free text.
Example: “SEK 100 / month and SEK 50 per new user.”
If your system supports more than one user, you can select this option. The customer can then buy your integration several times and in this way connect it to more users in Fortnox.
Here you link the user agreement that the customer must approve if they buy your integration.
Here you link to your website where you describe more about the connection between your system and Fortnox.
This is the link to the landing page to get your integration connected to the customer’s Fortnox account. This is where the customer can buy or activate your system and get more information about your connection. The redirect URI is also used as the callback URI during the authorization code flow.
When customers activate your integration, they come here. Here you can guide customers on to, for example, registration or login.
The link is used to launch an integration on the My Integrations page in Fortnox. The page shows the user’s activated integrations, here you click on “Go to the integration” to launch it.
Scope is a mechanism to limit an Integration´s access to a customer’s Fortnox account. An integration can request one or more scopes, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to those scopes.
You can change scopes on an active connection but this does not affect already activated customers.
The connection to the customer retains the scopes your integration had when the customer activated it.
To gain access to the new scopes, the customer needs to reactivate your integration.
Here you choose under which categories you want your integration to be seen in Fortnox.
Here you can decide if you want to publish your integration so that it becomes available in Fortnox Integrations.
When the integration is created but still hidden, customers can use your Client ID to find it in Fortnox. This is preferable for private integrations that are not published.
When you want to publish your integration, select “Requesting publication:” with your choice and press Save. You must approve the Fortnox integration partner agreement to have your integration published. Fortnox will contact you and guide you through the review process required to become a partner to Fortnox.
We provide test environments (sandboxes) to test your code in a secure environment before connecting with your live customers.
You can create up to 30 test environments simultaneously for testing and demo purposes.
You can create and remove test environments in the developer portal.
The user in the test database is created with the same email address as the user who creates the sandbox in the developer portal.
You administer the test environments just like a regular company in Fortnox.
On the statistics page, you see the number of activations an integration has within different time intervals. You can also switch between all integration in this view.
The sales page shows information about the integrations that are invoiced by Fortnox. Here you will also find information about sales data.
See our comprehensive documentation regarding the Fortnox API.
Approximately half a million customers are waiting for your integration at our Integrations page.