Fortnox strives to run its company in a long-term and sustainable way. It is therefore important to us that irregularities that could seriously damage the business or our employees are noticed and investigated as early as possible.
In order to ease the provisioning of information about abuses of various kinds, for example things that breach legislation, ethics, moral or or our policies, Fortnox utilizes a system for whistleblowing where employees, customers, partners and suppliers can report the abuse and at the same time be guaranteed total anonymity.
All reports are received by an external actor.
Registration can be done in two different ways:
Anonymous reporting through the tool wb.2secure.se and (Use company code FRN395)
By calling 0771-77 99 77 around the clock
A case number and password is obtained after reporting which can be used for follow-up of the case.
According to the Whistleblower Act, Fortnox is also obliged to appoint independent persons or entities that are authorized to maintain whistleblower channels on behalf of the business, ensure feedback and take actions in whistleblower cases.
The committee consists of:
Head of People & Sustainability
Head of Legal
Fortnox CFO and/or board member (in case of absence of any of the above)
If any committee member is targeted in the whistle case, the other committee member must contact Fortnox's CFO, who decides whether a board member should join the committee for the case in question.
All members of the committee are involved in the investigation of cases as well as the decision on actions.
Fortnox complies with whistleblowing legislation which states that no reprisals can be given to the whistleblower provided that he complies with the law.
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