Fortnox share

dividend policy

Fortnox strives to provide long-term stable dividends to its shareholders. When the operating cash flow exceeds what the Group can invest in profitable expansion in the long term, and provided that the target for the capital structure is met, the surplus is distributed to the shareholders. Fortnox has a long-term goal to distribute 30–50 percent of the Group’s profit after tax.

Dividend, recalculated for share split 10:1 in 2022 (SEK)


Repurchase mandate

The Annual General Meeting in 2024 resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to acquire up to 649,654 shares in the company, on one or more occasions, until the Annual General Meeting in 2025. The purpose of the buybacks is to ensure the company's commitments under the ongoing employee stock savings programs ESSP (2022-2024), which are directed at all employees in the Group. Acquisitions are to be made on Nasdaq Stockholm at market price.


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Vårt syfte är att kontinuerligt informera kapitalmarknaden om Fortnox ställning, verksamhet och utveckling.