Financial information

Interim reports

Fortnox has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since April 2022. Prior to that, the company's shares were listed on NGM Nordic SME from 2007.  

Below you find all the material compiled in conjunction with a quarterly release. You find both the latest information and also our archive with previously released material.

Interim report Q3 2024


Ikon customer-number
+13 k
Ikon arpc
+8 SEK
Ikon net-sales
26 %
Ikon operating-margin
EBIT margin
45 %
Ikon rule-of-fortnox
Rule of Fortnox
71 %

Presentation of the results for the third quarter of 2024. The broadcast starts: 24 October at 10.00. AM.

Presentation - Interim report Q3

Previous interim reports


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Vårt syfte är att kontinuerligt informera kapitalmarknaden om Fortnox ställning, verksamhet och utveckling.