Valberedningen ska enligt valberedningsprocessen, som beslutats av årsstämman, bestå av en representant för var och en av de tre till röstetalet största aktieägarna eller ägargrupperna som önskar utse en representant. Utöver det ska styrelseordföranden ingå i valberedningen.
The Nomination Committee shall provide proposals concerning the election of the Chairman of the AGM, members of the Board and Chairman of the Board, as well as fees payable to the Board of Directors and the auditor. The AGM in 2024, resolved that the Nomination Committee for 2025 would comprise members appointed by each of the three largest shareholders in terms of voting rights on the last banking day of August 2024 as well as the Chairman of the Board. The member representing the largest shareholder in terms of votes shall be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee, unless the members agree otherwise.
The following representatives from Fortnox AB’s largest shareholders, together with the Chairman of the Board, Olof Hallrup, will form the nomination committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025:
Mathias Svensson, First Kraft AB (chair)
Monica Åsmyr, Swedbank Robur Fonder AB
Tomas Flodén, AMF Fonder & Pension
Further information can be found in the AGM 2024 minutes under the heading Resolution on guidelines for appointment of the Nomination Committee and instructions for the Nomination Committee and its work, which is available here.
The Annual General Meeting of Fortnox AB will be held on April 10, 2025, in Växjö, Sweden. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee can do so by emailing - January 31, 2025, the latest.
For further information, please contact:
Olof Hallrup, Chairman of the Board, Fortnox AB
Telephone: + 46 (0) 70-546 44 42