Corporate governance

Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Auditors

Board of Directors

Olof Hallrup

Chairman of the Board and remuneration committee and member of the audit committee 

Born: 1958 

Elected to the Board: 2011 

Education: Olof has a Bachelor of Law Degree from Lund/Stockholm University and a  Bachelor of Economics from Lund University. 

Background: Olof has a managerial background and has been active within Investment AB Kinnevik and Stena AB during the 1980s and 1990s when he worked with financial issues. 

Other positions and commitments*: Chairman of the Board of ArtOn24 AB.

Own and related parties shareholdings*: 114,780,712 shares.

Anna Frick

Board Director and Chairman of the audit committee 

Born: 1968 

Elected to the Board: 2016 

Education: Anna has an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics (Handelshögskolan i Stockholm), specialization in financing and marketing

Background: Anna has over 20 years’ experience as a Marketing Manager and consultant in digital transformation, strategy and communication, both nationally and internationally. Previous roles include Deputy CEO and Board Director of Garbergs Reklam AB, external CEO of Oakwood Creative AB, Board of Director of Nordnet Bank AB (publ), LeoVegas AB (publ), Logistea AB (publ) and Above Agency AB (part of ARC Arise TopCo AB). 

Other positions and commitments*: Board of Director in Svea Bank AB, Zinzino AB (publ), Medhelp Care AB (publ) and Gosol Energy AB (publ).

Own and related parties shareholdings*: 820 shares.

Magnus Gudéhn

Board Director and member of the remuneration committee 

Born: 1962

Elected to the Board: 2019 

Education: Magnus has a Master of Science in Mechatronics from the Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan). 

Background: Magnus has more than 30 years’ experience in management, sales and digital innovation in finance, telecom and industry. He has held many different roles at the consulting company HiQ, 15 years thereof as CEO for different HIQ companies as well as CEO of IT-Total for 2.5 years. Magnus has also been a consultant, strategic advisor and mentor in his own company. 

Other positions and commitments*: Magnus is a Business Innovation Fellow at IT-Total, a board member of Sudo Sweden AB as well as a strategic advisor and mentor in his own company.

Own and related parties shareholdings*: 22,200 shares.

Lena Glader

Board Director and Chairman of the audit committee

Born: 1976 

Elected to the Board: 2021 

Education: Lena has an MBA in business and economics from the Hanken School of Economics (Svenska Handelshögskolan) University in Helsinki. 

Background: Lena began her professional career as a stock analyst at Alfred Berg in 2000 and has since then been a partner of Shared Value in London, responsible for Investor  Relations at Tele2 AB, run her own advisory agency in Singapore and been Operations Manager at  Diplomat Communications AB. CFO between 2014 and 2018 of Eastnine AB. 

Other positions and commitments*: CFO of Storskogen Group AB (publ), board member of Tagehus Holding AB and board assignments in a number of holding companies within the Storskogen Group.

Own and related parties shareholdings*: 1,900 shares.

Per Bertland

Board Director and member of the remuneration committee

Born: 1957 

Elected to the Board: 2021 

Education: Per has a Bachelor’s Degree in economics from Lund University.

Background: Per has 20 years’ experience of working in leading positions in listed companies. CEO of Beijer Ref AB from 2013 to 2021. Responsible for around 50 company acquisitions in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Per has been involved in developing private labels and contributed to sustainable solutions within the HVAC industry. 

Other positions and commitments*: Chairman of the Board in Aktiebolaget Dendera Holding, InArea Group and Inwido AB (publ). Board of Director of Beijer Ref AB (publ), IV Produkt Aktiebolag, Lindab International AB (publ), and Small Cap Partners AB.

Own and related parties shareholdings*: 31,000 shares.

* Shareholdings and positions as of: 2024-06-30

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee exercises  supervision of the Group’s financial accounting and reporting, as well as the performed audit. This includes such tasks as quality assuring the consolidated  financial statements by examining interim reports and the Annual and Sustainability Report, evaluating the auditors’ work and examining and evaluating the Group’s internal control work. 

Audit committee composition

Members are appointed annually within the Board at the statutory meeting. In 2023 the committee consists of Lena Glader (Chairman), Anna Frick and Olof Hallrup.

Internal control (pdf)

Remuneration committee

The Remuneration Committee plays an advisory role and is also involved in preparing matters before these are addressed and decided on by the Board of Directors. Its main tasks are to prepare decisions by the Board of Directors on matters involving remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms of employment for  executive management, to prepare and evaluate programs for variable remuneration for executive management, and to monitor and evaluate the application of the guidelines for executive remuneration resolved by the AGM.

Remuneration  committee composition

Olof Hallrup, Magnus Gudéhn and Per Bertland were appointed members of the committee for 2023, with Olof Hallrup as chairman.


Auditors are appointed by the AGM and their assignment applies until the AGM held the year after. The auditors are tasked with examining Fortnox’s annual report and accounts, and the management performed by the Board and the CEO. 

Dan Beitner

Auditor-in charge, KPMG 

Elected by Annual General Meeting: 2021 

Education: Graduate in law and economics, Stockholm University 

Background: Certified public accountant. Active as accountant since 2000 with a special focus on listed and financial companies Board of Director in FAR (CPA).

Postal address: KPMG Vasagatan 16 Box 382, SE- 101 27 Stockholm, Sweden.

Fees and cost remunerations to auditors (pdf)


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